2025 Rates & Reservations

Spring & Fall Deals

  • Spring Deal: May 2 - June 14 (Excluding Memorial Day Weekend)
  • Fall Deal: September 5 - October 4
  • Camp any number of consecutive weekends during these time frames and pay for only the weekends! Free on site storage included on your selected site (unit unplugged). $25.00 plug in fee per week.
Pop Up Camping at Witch Meadow Family Campround
RV Camping at Witch Meadow Family Campground
Tent Camping at Witch Meadow Family Campground

Water, Electric & Greywater

One family per site. Family consists of two adults and their unmarried children under the age of 18. Maximum of 5 in family. Additional charge for extra persons.

Stay Type Length of Stay Rate
Nightly 1 night $85.00
Weekly 7 nights $525.00
Monthly 28 nights $1,400.00
Memorial Day 3 nights $350.00
4th of July 3 nights $350.00
Labor Day 3 nights $350.00
October 11-13 3 nights $350.00

Waterfront, Water, Electric & Greywater

One family per site. Family consists of two adults and their unmarried children under the age of 18. Maximum of 5 in family. Additional charge for extra persons.

Stay Type Length of Stay Rate
Nightly 1 night $100.00
Weekly 7 nights $625.00
Monthly 28 nights $1,700.00
Memorial Day 3 nights $390.00
Labor Day 3 nights $390.00
October 11-13 3 nights $390.00

Visitors Fees

Fee Type Rate
Day Visitors $10.00
Overnight Visitors $20.00
Children Under 4 Years FREE
Four visitors allowed per site, no overnight visitors on holidays.


Full payment is required for holidays. 1/2 payment required on all other reservations. Cancellation policy is 10 days prior to arrival for deposit refund. 20% handling charge on all refunds.

Check-In is 3:00 PM.

There is an early arrival fee and late check-out fee of $5.00 per hour. Checkout 2:00. Guests who can not arrive before 8:00 PM must call for special arrangements and must be paid in full.


Every attempt to accommodate a specific site is made; However, we do not guarantee sites.

***No refunds given due to weather conditions***

Reservation Requests

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Reservation Request
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Important: Y7ou may b5e 7maki2n63g use o2f automa8ted0 form-fialling4 software. T7hai0s ty1bpe 3of sof4tdware 3ccan tridgg9er4 our hid0den 95sepam-3detection6 4sys0ctem,98c4 whicah will7 blcock y8o3u from s2u21bmi0tbting t1his forcm. Pleased selefb7ctb F6fix60da Thi89a3s4dcf6d08e4de8b b4ed79f7ba2do592f1b0r56a43013bb1a07246caa24e af3486223957395c2e7263omce87beplbetieng tche73 ddfa2o9rm3f d9ci1033dn ord2ber to3 ecorr8ecfdt b5b5th9e2fe1 06pro2bc8075lebm.6a65
Important: You cmay be b42mabking 6use6 of automated f0orm-fi6lling sof7tware. Thdis etype ocf sofeteware cane51 triaggeeafr our hidden spam-detdectio4n system, which will fbclock y8aou from sub0mitti8ng this form. dIct appears thabt36 tehe p2ro9bl2em could n0ot be au7toma1ticallyc cor7rec4ted2. Pcleafse clced6afr any fiaeld which appefars ab6ovfe0 withd0 correspaonding instruectioc0ns7ff5dc9177f42fbb 751b72be7294e145e1e384278b4399fbb124o8are7 bd7d10c284e41589ccomcpletin7g the2d fordm inb o0c222rdaer5 btco co9rrec8t 2tdched profb30lf6ceedm.8 Wce apologizeb3d foedr5 bth8e incconfvendience a1ndd 0w9e appr9eciatfe 4eby2ou44rbe8 understandi0cndg.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Good Sam Rating Witch Meadow Lake Campground