2025 Rates & Reservations

Spring & Fall Deals

  • Spring Deal: May 2 - June 14 (Excluding Memorial Day Weekend)
  • Fall Deal: September 5 - October 4
  • Camp any number of consecutive weekends during these time frames and pay for only the weekends! Free on site storage included on your selected site (unit unplugged). $25.00 plug in fee per week.
Pop Up Camping at Witch Meadow Family Campround
RV Camping at Witch Meadow Family Campground
Tent Camping at Witch Meadow Family Campground

Water, Electric & Greywater

One family per site. Family consists of two adults and their unmarried children under the age of 18. Maximum of 5 in family. Additional charge for extra persons.

Stay Type Length of Stay Rate
Nightly 1 night $85.00
Weekly 7 nights $525.00
Monthly 28 nights $1,400.00
Memorial Day 3 nights $350.00
4th of July 3 nights $350.00
Labor Day 3 nights $350.00
October 11-13 3 nights $350.00

Waterfront, Water, Electric & Greywater

One family per site. Family consists of two adults and their unmarried children under the age of 18. Maximum of 5 in family. Additional charge for extra persons.

Stay Type Length of Stay Rate
Nightly 1 night $100.00
Weekly 7 nights $625.00
Monthly 28 nights $1,700.00
Memorial Day 3 nights $390.00
Labor Day 3 nights $390.00
October 11-13 3 nights $390.00

Visitors Fees

Fee Type Rate
Day Visitors $10.00
Overnight Visitors $20.00
Children Under 4 Years FREE
Four visitors allowed per site, no overnight visitors on holidays.


Full payment is required for holidays. 1/2 payment required on all other reservations. Cancellation policy is 10 days prior to arrival for deposit refund. 20% handling charge on all refunds.

Check-In is 3:00 PM.

There is an early arrival fee and late check-out fee of $5.00 per hour. Checkout 2:00. Guests who can not arrive before 8:00 PM must call for special arrangements and must be paid in full.


Every attempt to accommodate a specific site is made; However, we do not guarantee sites.

***No refunds given due to weather conditions***

Reservation Requests

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Reservation Request
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Good Sam Rating Witch Meadow Lake Campground